The images out of the West Coast have been absolutely horrifying this past week.
Entire neighborhoods, lifetime possessions engulfed and incinerated.
All four elements in full force. Some on the destructive side and some on the side of repair. Fire and water battling it out with major input from air / wind scorching the earth.
Every natural disaster is caused by a blend of these four elements each occurrence in a different order. Where water was scarce in this instance, the results of abundance of water are all too familiar to us.
Yet at the same time, who could live without these elements? The very oxygen of life if you will, quite literally. Indeed, the very fabric of our being — human life at the core, was created from earth as is related in the Torah.
The polar sides of life. One moment valuable the next moment worthless.
And then there’s the vivifying element of life. The source of it all, G-d. Who can really make sense of it all? Can one really even dream of trying to grasp the inner mechanisms of the Divine plan?
Of course not. Not the inner mechanisms that is — the blueprint however, we were gifted. The Torah. Quite simply as a blueprint of life. How to live. To surf above the confusing elements of life.
Indeed, most of all, it directs us how to accumulate in ways that can never be taken away from us regardless of any element or natural disaster. Because at the end of it all, good deeds & Mitzvahs far outlive our lifespans and are the only currency that survives it all!
As I write these words — the fire has yet to be contained and we pray for the safety of everyone—with extra prayers to those battling the blazes from the front lines.
With best wishes for Shabbat Shalom,